Future of Codity platform and new functionalities of it
Future of Codity
During the past week, I was playing with the idea of actually being able to load javascript packages from NPM, bundle and transpile and use them in the editor. I will call it Codity Advanced editor. This is a full-fledged editor with file management system so that you can add different files to your project. Beauty of it is that you can use proper import statements and Codity will go fetch those and bundle your javascript project with a blazing fast speed.
Even though Codity is released, there are new and must have functionalities that are getting added to it as per requests of the amazing community around it. The functionalities added as of last post, are the following:
Emmet integration
Emmet[1] is the essential toolkit for web-developers. It lets you have snippets, expanding, autocompletion and re-using commonly used code chunks, so you can develop faster and more efficient.
Example of it is when you type div
and it expands it to <div></div>
. Super helpful.
Editor settings
You can now change the font size of the editor. In cases where you want to present something and audience needs a bigger font size.
You can also set the default layout, css preprocessor and javascript preprocessor. This will help if you most often use these settings when you start a new project. These settings will be persisted to your browser so as long as you use the same computer and browser, you can trust that the editor will get initialized with these settings.
Codity now has a light theme and dark theme. Not so much to say today, but I am personally fan of the dark theme because it doesn’t bother the eyes so much, and it’s good for the environment.
Profile section, view other’s prototypes and collections
Now when you are signed up, all your saved prototypes will be shown in your profile page. Apart from that you can create collections of prototypes.
I personally am working on a collection for amazing loading animations. Go ahead and try it now.
Code formatting using Prettier
Prettier[2] is added as the code formatter for the editors. You just need to be in one editor and press Command+Shift+o. There is a helper icon on the right side of the footer in the editor that helps with available key bindings.